Have No Fear - Arthy Prophetic Art | Gen Arthy
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Have No Fear

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The story behind this painting is ….

I was going through major trauma in my family, I was managing but I was numb .My son had died ,I was all alone. My kids had their own lives and were getting on with life as best they could struggling one day at a time. I realised I had never lived alone in my 59and a half years .I always had someone to care for,someone to look after ,I didn’t know how to be me….I couldn’t see me it was like I didn’t exist .

I was fearful of the stillness, fearful of the quietness, fearful not knowing if I could do this alone ,fearful of what the future held for me and if I would ever be able to get my head above the darkness and Breath again.


I had these dreams and downloads and I was sure I was supposed to paint Matty .All I could see were yellows and browns and gold like in the dream I had when I went to heaven and saw Matty there.I did the background but I couldn’t paint my Matty. I was feeling sad that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do and that was to tell the stories….did I have it wrong?
I prayed and asked God what it was he wanted me to paint as I couldn’t get the detail and then I went to bed .
As I laid in my bed crying and feeling lost and fearful, I knew God had promised he would look after me but I couldn’t see it .He promised he would give me Dreams and Visions and I thanked him and asked him to give me more dreams that night.


I dream that night of a moment in time (5years earlier)when God showed me in a vision of just how much he love me and was looking after me and it went like this…….

I had gone to bed on Thursday evening the 21st April 2011
very upset, traumatized fearful and exhausted.
I woke up with a start about 3am, it was pitch black in my bedroom. I saw a blinding
white light coming into the blackness .Then I saw a Vision of
Jesus Christ in his robes coming towards me all aglow in the
Glory I was calm and peaceful, I wasn’t frightened. He turned and sat down on a metal bench and then I saw my oldest son walk across the screen of my eyes to Jesus and sit down beside him on
the bench and he laid his head down on Jesus lap.
Jesus place his right hand over my sons ear and lovingly cradled his head and then he looked
up at me and he said in this calm, peaceful, loving voice……

“Have no Fear ,have no Doubt, have total Trust ,Faith and Belief that I am Walking with you”

When I woke up the next morning I realized what God had done he showed me like he had done before that he was with me and always looking after me. So I knew what I had to paint it was the Vision of Jesus that night 5 years before telling me to….. “Have no fear ,have no doubt ,have total Trust ,Faith and Belief that I am walking with you”

From that moment on I have stood in the Grace of our Lord
knowing that I am being looked after in all that I do and all that
happens in my life .I do not live in Fear and if it creeps in I
remember the Vision of Jesus as he lovingly spoke to me and
promised to be with me always .

So in your darkest times you
to remember these words that Jesus spoke .

“Have no Fear ,have no Doubt, have total Trust, Faith and Belief
that I am Walking with you ”

Blessings Genevieve

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